воскресенье, 11 января 2015 г.

Dear readers,

I want to present my vocabulary based on the book I have read:

1) reserved : adj. - formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship; avoiding familiarity or
intimacy with others: a quiet, reserved man.
2) privy : adj. - participating in the knowledge of something private or secret
3) feign: verb – to make believe; pretend
4) levity: noun - a manner lacking seriousness
5) mar : verb – to damage, ruin, deface
6) abortive : adj. - partially or imperfectly developed; vain
7) elation : noun - a feeling or state of great joy or pride; exultant gladness; high spirits
8) confer : verb – 1. to bestow upon as a gift, favor, honor; 2. to consult together
9) acute : adj. – sharp; intense
10) savor : verb – to taste or smell
11). reproach : noun – an object of scorn or contempt
12) wistfully/wistful : adv/adj – full of wishful yearning or longing, often with sadness
13) supercilious : adj. – having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views
as unworthy; cocky
14) effeminate: adj. – having traits, tastes or habits traditionally considered feminine
15) pungent : adj. – sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell
16) buoy : verb – to float or rise by reason of lightness
17) divan : noun – sofa or couch, usually without arms or a back
18) compulsion : noun – a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, esp. one that is
irrational or contrary to one's will
19) deft : adj. – quick and skillful
20) retort : verb – to reply to, usually in a sharp or retaliatory way
21) incredulously/incredulous : adv/adj – skeptical; disbelieving
22) reciprocal : adj. – given or felt by each toward the other; mutual
23) contemptuously/contemptuous : adv/adj – showing or feeling disapproval or disdain toward
something a person considers mean, vile, or worthless; scornful
24) languidly/languid: adv./adj. – lacking energy or vitality; weak
25) unobtrusively/unobtrusive : adv./adj. – Not undesirably noticeable or obvious
26) claret : noun – the red table wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France
27) fervent : adj. – having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm
28) infinitesimal : adj. – immeasurably small; less than an assignable quantity
29) vigil : noun - a devotional watching, or keeping awake, during the customary hours of sleep
30) settee : noun – a seat for two or more persons, having a back and arms
31) cynical : adj. – distrusting, criticizing, or mocking the motives of others; pessimistic; glass is half empty mentality
32) rotogravure : noun – a print made by a photomechanical process using a copper cylinder
33) corroborate : verb – to make more certain; confirm
34) libel : noun - a false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's
35) banns : noun – any public announcement of a proposed marriage
36) intimation/intimate : noun/verb - an indirect suggestion; a slight suggestion or vague
37) indignant wives :adj. - angry; annoyed
37) malevolence : noun - a desire to harm others; evil
38) enjoined me eagerly ( verb – 1) to urge or command with authority; 2) to forbid
39) man in a long duster:  noun - a long coat designed to protect clothing from dust
40) caterwauling horns  : adj. - a howl that sounds like a cat in heat
41) chasms : noun - deep crack or hole; metaphor comparing NYC streets to a crack or hole
42) subterfuge :  noun - a plan that hides the real purpose; a deceptive scheme
43) insolent smile : adj. - boldly rude; disrespectful
44) muslin : noun - delicately woven cotton fabric
45) indeterminate : adj. - indefinite, uncertain; not clear
46) haughty : adj. - snooty; arrogant
47) countenance : noun - appearance, especially the face
48) rakish angle : adj. - Dashingly or sportingly stylish
49) incessant : adj. - never-ending; ceaseless
50) innumerable pottery : adj. - countless; very numerous
51) laughed immoderately : adv. - without restraint; excessive; extreme
52) I had a few beaux myself : noun - boyfriends
53) wife was shrill : adj. - high-pitched
54) impressive hauteur/haughty  noun - pride, arrogance; cockiness adj. – cocky, snobby
55) high mincing shout : adj. - dainty, elegant
56) disdain : verb – to despise or scorn; noun – haughty contempt, extreme dislike; scorn
57) shiftless : adj. - lazy, without ambition
58) flounce : - to go with impatient or impetuous, exaggerated movements
59) kike/kyke : noun - offensive slang for a Jewish person
60) strident : adj. - loud, harsh, grating, or shrill
61) a wave : noun - women’s hairdo from the 1920s that created waves in the hair

Dear readers, I expect you've liked this book and my blog. I wanted it to be interesting for reading.
Well this is my final letter. Thank you for attention!

With love,

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